Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Seemed too good not to share...

Hold onto your hats folks, two blogs in two days is a record for sure! Some things just need to be written for others to read. Even if the number of others is very small or even none at all.

I walked into the kitchen this morning to find a sink of dishes I had asked Michael three times to wash. Keep in mind these were his dishes, not mine, as I had done my own dishes and all of the other dinner dishes before I left to go babysit. Of course frustration was my first reaction. Then I came to this realization while in the shower after I did those dishes...One year of marriage has spiritually exhausted me and it is no one's fault but my own. Yeah, swallow that. And I did, after chewing on it for the better part of my morning.

My devotion this morning started in 1 Corinthians 8. This chapter is titled "Food sacrificed to Idols". Paul's first words refer to food but then he immediately goes into this, "Knowledge puffs up but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. But the man who loves God is known by God." God said "boom, chew on that" to me this morning. To further that, in wanting to be sure I did not take this out of context I read a couple of commentaries and within one of them I read the statement "Without Holy affections all human knowledge is worthless" (Matthew Henry's concise commentary). Wow. I then journaled about how this applies to me and how to apply it to my marriage. Without going into a ton of detail as I am still processing God has used this to teach me something I believe will prove to be very important. So, while I continually screw up all the time at least I can say I heard what God had to say this morning. That is all.

That's what's up...for now.

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